Thursday, March 12, 2009

just things


It is 2:00 in the afternoon. I am eating breakfast and lunch and wearing my pajamas. :-) Caleb is shooting bad guys in his room. Natalie is playing with cars on the treadmill. Hannah is reading missionary stories. Kurt is at work. Levi is in the swing.

We all love Levi and are having fun getting to know him. He loves to be held and talked to. The girls are learning how to change cloth diapers today. Levi is eating every three hours but sometime going longer at night. He likes to sleep in the swing.

I really am getting enough sleep. I feel a bit loopy from disjointed sleep but I am doing really well. The big kids let me sleep during the day when Levi sleeps.

I have not had to cook at all yet. We have meals from friends and family. I just go to the freezer and get something out for supper every day. When we do go shopping we don't need to buy much so that makes errands so much easier! I did take all the kids to Wal-mart yesterday. On Saturday the big kids stayed home to watch a movie. Kurt and I took Levi to run errands and go to the mall.

Levi had a check up yesterday. He is now 9 lbs 14 ounces, and 22 inches long. He is a bit colicy but we bought gas drops yesterday and those really seemed to help him last night! We were all actually in bed by 11:00.

We have started some school this week. The kids can do most of it on their own and it keeps them occupied. Kurt's quarter ends next week. His new classes start the first of April. He will be home at 10:30pm Tues. and Thurs.

My heart feels so full it might burst. God has blessed us and I am thankful! I am amazed I am healthy enough to have had another baby!

Now Hannah has joined Natalie at the treadmill and Levi is crying....

Love you all!!

1 comment:

Mark and Cristy said...

Glad to hear things are going well! It's so fun having a baby in the house, even when sleep deprived. : ) Love, Cristy