Monday, January 29, 2007

Im going to be leaving My Job....

After a long time of praying and waiting, the right time has come for me to quit working at Baldwins Automotive. It has been a very good job, and God definately put us in the right place at the right time. Now he has led us to persue our Advantage Conferences business, and Green Cylinder Heads on a full time basis. God has also shown me some areas of ministry that I will be able to do with a more flexible schedule, and more time.
Our life over the past year has been a whirlwind, but I can honestly say that Ive grown in Christ more this year than in my entire life. My understanding of who God is, how He works, and what faith is really all about has really changed.
Please pray for us, it is very exciting, and we are boldly walking forward in Christ.


Mark and Cristy said...

I like the new pictures. Is your family picture from Christmas? Check out our new van on our blog.

Mark and Cristy said...

Hey, with your entrepreneurial stuff going on, I was thinking that I should see what you thought of that "Auto Critic" service I mentioned on our blog. The guy goes to wherever the car is, he doesn't have his own garage. He charged $165. He checked all the mechanics and he checked the body throughly for damage/repair and filled out a report. Is there anything like that in Lincoln? Do you think there'd be any demand for something like that? Seems like you would be good at something like that and it wouldn't require much investment, just advertising I guess.