Monday, June 29, 2009

Levi is sleeping through the night.


We are doing good. Life has been a little too busy but this week we are slowing down so I am thankful for that. We have had lots of fun and good times with friends.

Levi is 4 months old. He is done with colic and he is sleeping through the night 10-7:30 or so. He is a happy and very social little guy. He wants to be held a lot. He is happy to miss a nap if it means he gets to do fun stuff, like campfires, shopping or church. We like our cloth diapers. What is three more loads of laundry a week anyway?? I love walking by the diaper isle at the store!!

Last week we went three days of 5-day club at the Jerred's. Natalie and Caleb had swimming lessons every afternoon. The girls are continuing their horse lessons and learning a lot. A lady from church, Donita, is also helping the girls sew their 4-H projects. The girls will spend a week at Camp Witness and then we will all go to Atkinson for a wedding. I do fun things for Caleb too, while the girls are busy with their stuff.

Kurt has a break from school and we are enjoying that. He is working on his drag car.

We are going to use My Father's World Curriculum this fall. We have more books to buy and good deals to find. We will be Exploring Countries and Cultures The kids cheered when their new math books came in the mail. They love Math U See.

This is a website I am going to read tonight. I am also going to price the school books we need at Rainbow Resources.

We have two kitties to give away if anyone is interested.

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